How to make the customers keep flocking back to your website. - Sydney - Computer services, Sydney - 889625


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How to make the customers keep flocking back to your website. - Computer services

Ref. number: 889625 Updated: 28-12-2011 07:15

Offering: Computer services in Australia, Sydney

The success of a website greatly depends upon the returning customers, these are the customers who have experienced the website before, enjoyed their stay and felt satisfied with the services offered. As a customer keeps coming back to a website, his trust on the website increases and when he feels sufficiently safe, he starts recommending it to friends and relatives and it is much easier to convert a causal visit to a sale. Just follow these simple rules to retain your visitors: 1) Integrate a chat room or start a forum: If a website has a chat room or a forum it provides visitors with a tool to interact with each other, voice their concerns and provide feedbacks for the overall improvement of the site. This creates a sense of ownership and community and would force the customers to come back to it very often. 2) Create a blog for your website. If a website has a blog for itself and that too an active one, i.e. one which is constantly updated, it would have a decent number of people following it and it will also present the much needed human face of the website to the outside world. 3) Have some polls and surveys on the website. One of the most powerful tools to gauge a visitor’s opinion is the polls and surveys. The best part is that these can be easily designed to target a particular user group and the results can be tracked in real time. website design 4) Have some games on the website and throw some puzzles and quizzes along with it. There are millions of people who slog out long hours in offices, shops, schools, etc. and if your website provides them with an entertainment platform which is addictive, you have a winner on your hands. To make it more interesting, the highest scorer for games may be awarded a prize and the others should be encouraged to out-do the winner. 5) Life line of a website: Fresh Content. One of the best but the most overlooked trick to hook visitors is to update the website constantly with fresh content. There should be something to read or explore for the returning visitor. After all who would like to read the same story again and again? For More Information :-

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