If you can place classified ads online then this is an easy job for you and we pay well and on-time.
Our website needs people to view it, so we are looking for people who can place simple free online adverts (for example in local online newspapers or job sites) so everyone can know about us and help our sales grow. In return for every completed sale we pay you generously and quickly. You can choose Paypal or Bank Transfer, Cheque or Wire Transfer, it’s up to you, whatever makes you happy.
To explain further, our company has opened a new training facility in Cambodia to match others in the US, Europe and Asia. This is to meet the large demand for people wanting to learn English throughout the world. We train English teachers to do this and are fully accredited both regionally and globally with well-recognized partners. ATI has been running many years and has a great reputation. We would like our new facility to meet those standards. That’s where we can work together. We need web traffic and enquiries. You need money. Our great sales team will handle the enquiries and immediately we have a sale, we will contact you and pay you. We give you a simple agent ID for you to use in your ads so when the customer contacts us we know who is due money – that’s you!
Why do we need ad-placers? Well, you may have ideas we have not thought of, you know your local internet market and know good places to put free ads. The internet is a big place.
We pay $40 per sale and we aim to have 10 – 30 sales a month. If that looks and sounds good to you then please email us for further details at info@tesolteflcambodia.com
If you wish to check us out and reassure yourselves, you can visit our website or email us or phone or Google us or visit the main ATI website. We only want a good reputation so we would like to choose ad-placers who are genuine, want to help, have a creative imagination, write good English and like being paid handsomely and on time by a good company. If we keep things simple and easy everyone will be happy.
Email us: info@tesolteflcambodia.com
Our local website: www.tesolteflcambodia.com
Main ATI website: www.americantesol.com