Denture Cleaning in Blue Mountains - Sydney - Health services, beauty services, Sydney - 3181900


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Denture Cleaning in Blue Mountains - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3181900 Updated: 05-02-2025 09:56

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Australia, Sydney

Our dental prosthetics are committed to serving all of our clients with the best denture and mouth guard services available. Christie Dentures is a family-run business. Dell & Ben Christie have over 30 years of skills and experience, we are proud to offer our community superior customized dentures and mouthguards to keep their smile as healthy and beautiful as possible. We also accept HICAPS to make sure we can help as many people as possible.

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Contact information
First name: Christie
Last name: Denture
Phone number: 0247393293
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