Vetsense VyLyte Concentrated Oral Rehydration Liquid for Pets - Sydney - Pet supplies, Sydney - 3157915


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Vetsense VyLyte Concentrated Oral Rehydration Liquid for Pets - Pet supplies

Ref. number: 3157915 Updated: 26-07-2024 12:45

Price: 18.99 AUD $

Offering: Pet supplies in Australia, Sydney

Vetsense VyLyte Concentrated Oral Rehydration Liquid is an excellent non-antibiotic oral solution for replacing lost fluids and electrolytes. It also aids in the faster recovery from diarrhoea, scouring, weakness, dehydration, etc. The solution delivers essential nutrients like glucose, sodium chloride, glycine, etc. that help rehydrate the animal quickly. Vetsense VyLyte is suitable for piglets, pigs, calves, cattle, lambs, sheep, goats, horses, foals, dogs, and cats. You can also Place an Order on call:- 1300 838 787 / 1800 951 117 MON - FRI 09 AM - 07 PM AEST For More Details & Offers Visit Our Page:-

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First name: Tissa
Last name: Miller
Phone number: 1300838787
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