Ranvet Allwormer for Large Dogs 25 Kg 25 Tablets | VetSupply - Sydney - Pet supplies, Sydney - 3141882


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Ranvet Allwormer for Large Dogs 25 Kg 25 Tablets | VetSupply - Pet supplies

Ref. number: 3141882 Updated: 27-03-2024 20:50

Price: 85.99 AUD $

Offering: Pet supplies in Australia, Sydney

This powerful treatment aids in treating roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms and hydatid tapeworms. It is a safe treatment for all breeds of dogs and can be given to pregnant bitches, which should be treated at mating, before whelping, and then every 3 months. Moreover, this treatment is extremely easy to use. Besides, it is recommended for puppies over the age of 3 months.

Contact information
First name: Tissa
Last name: Miller
Phone number: 1300838787
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