Court Reporter Versus Legal Transcriptionist: What’s the Difference? - Sydney - Other services, Sydney - 3000533


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Court Reporter Versus Legal Transcriptionist: What’s the Difference? - Other services

Ref. number: 3000533 Updated: 22-12-2021 09:42

Offering: Other services in Australia, Sydney

A court reporter creates a type written verbatim report of all the proceedings taking place in a court. This means the court reporter creates a transcription of everything that is taking place in real time. A legal transcriptionist’s job is to take legal information which has already been recorded and type up a verbatim report. A transcriptionist can use a transcription machine when working with different types of digital files. To read the full blog visit here:

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Contact information
First name: Annika
Last name: Hausmann
Phone number: 1800827582
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