Which East Asian Language is the Easiest to Learn? - Legal Translation - Sydney - Other services, Sydney - 2979817


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Which East Asian Language is the Easiest to Learn? - Legal Translation - Other services

Ref. number: 2979817 Updated: 30-08-2021 09:48

Offering: Other services in Australia, Sydney

The three main East Asian languages, Korean, Japanese and Chinese are each spoken by tens of millions of people, hundreds of millions in the case of Chinese. There are often very specific reasons why someone who doesn’t speak any of these languages might want to learn at least one of them. For anyone who speaks a European language, these three languages appear to be an intimidating challenge, partly because of the way they are written. To know more visit here: https://legal-translations.com.au/which-east-asian-language-is-the-easiest-to-learn/

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First name: Annika
Last name: Hausmann
Phone number: 1800827582
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