Sydney Boutique Hotel |The Charrington Hotel of Chatswood - Sydney - Other services, Sydney - 2911780


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Sydney Boutique Hotel |The Charrington Hotel of Chatswood - Other services

Ref. number: 2911780 Updated: 14-09-2020 08:38

Offering: Other services in Australia, Sydney

The Charrington Hotel of Chatswood is a charming 3.5 star Victorian and boutique-style hotel that is located in a quiet and leafy setting in Chatswood, Sydney, Australia. The Charrington offers convenience, tranquillity at an affordable price and is situated within a short distance to all of Sydney's major attractions including its World famous icons -The Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.

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Contact information
First name: charrington
Last name: Hotel
Phone number: +61 2 9495 6300
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