Car Accessories Servicing | MHA Euro - Sydney - Other services, Sydney - 2903335


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Car Accessories Servicing | MHA Euro - Other services

Ref. number: 2903335 Updated: 06-08-2020 09:01

Offering: Other services in Australia, Sydney

In MHA Euro, we repair and replace headlights, wipers and windscreens to ensure your safety and convenience on the go. We also provide automatic mirrors and reverse parking cameras. Wiper blades should be replaced every six months as they start to squeak, chatter or streak which reduces visibility. Book an Appointment with us, to get a quote for repair or replace of windscreens, headlights or wipers in McGraths Hill suburb.

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Contact information
First name: MHA
Last name: Euro
Phone number: 02 45 777 540
Mobile number: 02 45 777 540
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