BlueScope Plate Supplies is a division of recognised Australian steel supplier BlueScope.
At BlueScope Plate Supplies, we work with our customers to develop a deep understanding of their needs, applying BlueScope’s technical and processing expertise to deliver superior steel products and customer service.
In choosing BlueScope Plate Supplies as your steel supplier, we will work closely with your business to examine your operations, production and processing lines, in order to identify potential areas for improvement. We want to not only provide you with quality steel, but also help you save money and time, remove bottlenecks, and make overall business changes that can translate into increased profit. We deliver added value to our customer through:
Removing risks in the supply chain
Delivering the right products efficiently and on time
Reducing or eliminating working capital requirements;
Providing quick and easy access to our product information and technical data
Offering additional business support
At BlueScope Plate supplies, we want our customers to be successful, and take steps to help them reach their business and operational goals.
Providing just-in-time service based on an in-depth understanding of customer requirements, we ensure we have close alliances with customers. In developing this partnership with our clients, we are best placed to ensure market trends, major projects, maintenance requirements and seasonal fluctuations can all be addressed to the benefit of both parties.
BlueScope Plate Supplies is supported by the assurance of our parent company, BlueScope.