Visit Silkwood Medical for Hairline Lowering Surgery in Sydney - Sydney - Health services, beauty services, Sydney - 2054252


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Visit Silkwood Medical for Hairline Lowering Surgery in Sydney - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 2054252 Updated: 20-08-2015 11:34

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Australia, Sydney

Do you want to get rid of your bald or masculine appearance caused by a high hairline? Feel free to call Silkwood Medical on (02) 9387 3900. Our world-renowned Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Warwick Nettle can balance the proportions of your face and hairline through an advanced hairline lowering surgery. Few cosmetic plastic surgeons in Australia share Dr. Nettle’s level of training and aesthetic experience. His attention to detail and artistic approach, combined with years of experience help him deliver only the most natural-looking results for his patients. For further information about our hairline lowering procedure and recovery period or to book an appointment with Dr. Nettle, please submit your contact details and requirements through the simple online enquiry form on the Silkwood Medical website:

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First name: Silkwood
Last name: Medical
Phone number: (02) 9387 3900
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