Artistic decoration of interiors and exteriors, using modern construction mixtures and chemistry.
This decorative texture, body sculpting inside and outside of premises, art painting of walls and ceilings,
pseudo stained-glass windows, artificial rocks and waterfalls.
Stucco is the elegance and ease of lines, relief, depth and accuracy of the figure.
Stucco harmoniously complement the classical interiors and modern interior with radical forms.
The main advantage of the stucco moulding is the ability to create exclusive products from plaster, not restricting ourselves to the standard forms, is the ability to realize any fantasy wizard using the drawings and sketches of the customer.
Instead of the traditional forms columns, arches, cornices, I can make You a stucco similar to the trunk of a tree, ancient stonework and the like.
The stucco molding a unique and individual form will make Your interior unique.
Coating the stucco art paints can achieve the effect of virtually any natural material that allows the use of the stucco decoration of premises in the most various styles.
I combine and mix different materials to achieve the desired texture, shape or object.
Apply artistic painting to achieve the desired effect: a beautiful landscape with a moulded wood, Greek town with exposed columns etc.
Connect with me via email with an expression of interest.